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For the waste of anything of this world He says in chapter 17 verse 26-27:

““…and do not squander or waste your money extravagantly.
Those who spend extravagantly are indeed brothers of satan,
and satan has indeed proved most ungrateful to his Sustainer.

(From Holy Qur'an 17/26-27)

In the lifetime of Prophet Mohammed, may peace and blessing of ALLAH be upon him, he use to deliver a sermon at the time of every Marriage, which is called sermon of Nikah. He was usually quoting from the Book of ALLAH and some of his own teachings. Such is quoted in various books of his traditions which are called Ahadees. It is quoted here:

And said ALLAH’s Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): “Nikah is my Sunnah, my system. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah, he is not from me or have no relation with me”.

And said ALLAH’s Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): “Your Lord is One and One Only. You are offspring of Adam. Your father is also one. All of you are brothers. Adam was created out of clay. So you are. There is no preference to an Arab on Non Arab. There is no preference to a black on a white. ALLAH will grant all the grades according to one’s consciousness to Him and according to one’s own deeds, misdeeds and morality”.

And said ALLAH’s Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): “Listen, wrongdoer is himself responsible for his wrongdoings and sins. For father’s wrongdoing, no son should be punished and for son’s wrongdoings, father will not be punished”.
And said ALLAH’s Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): “In case of women always be God fearing. They are ALLAH’s fidelity, which you got in ALLAH’s name. And with His name only they become lawful to you”.

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