Earthly Booms |
Holy Qur'an
79/27 to 41 |
Dear audience, may the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe shower HIS bounties on all HIS creatures on this earth! We pray to Lord to shower HIS mercy, peace and prosperity for all the human beings and convey it into Arabic. Assalamo-alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-Barakatohu. |
ALLAH alone is worthy of all praises, for HE is the lone Owner of the entire Universe, HE is the only Creator, HE is the sole Sustainer, HE is the Originator. It is HE Who has designed the smallest particle found in the Universe; it is HE Who has created the biggest matter found anywhere in the Space. With HIS command begins every natural process and every natural cycle. The Universe moves according to His Commands. HE Alone deserves all our admiration and adoration. HE is the Alfa; HE is the Omega. HE is the beginning; HE is the end. HE is the Apparent; HE is the Inherent. HE is the Most Compassionate God Almighty, HE revealed the Holy Qur’an on HIS last Prophet, Mohammed (s.a.w.s) that continues to radiate guidance for the mankind till the Doomsday. The Holy Qur’an is the fountainhead of all virtues, the beacon of righteousness, the guiding light for the entire humanity, and the last scripture of ALMIGHTY God. It contains no confusion, nor any contradiction. No doubt, no puzzle, but as clear as crystal. It is self-explanatory with highest standard of clarity and eloquence. |
We need to have a day-to-day contact and a direct approach to this book, a live connection. Let us be receptive to its signals and allow our brain a neutral and unbiased reflection over the points it raises for every thinking mind. The divine light will enlighten our heart and soul; it will change the course of our life, our day and night, our private and social life. It will shape our Present and lead to a bright Future. It guarantees success for all those who believe and remain steadfast, not by oral announcement but by noble deeds as commanded by the One and Only God. |
Let us start this process with the recitation of verses 79/27 to 41 of the Holy Qur’an. |
Before rendering these verses into English we want to make it clear that the translation of the original wordings of Kitaballah in letter and spirit is not at all possible in any language of the world. It is only an attempt to be close to what these verses signify! What is the message transmitted through these verses? What is the underlying instruction for all of us, for the entire humanity? May the Lord of the worlds help us in our humble efforts! |
“O mankind, are you more difficult to create than the heaven which Almighty Allah has built? High has HE reared its vault, and formed the sky in accordance with what it was meant to be; and HE has made dark its night, and brought forth its light of day. And after that, the earth: wide has HE spread its expanse. And has caused its waters to come out of it, and its pastures. And has made the mountains firm. With this system, HE provides all your provisions, as a means of livelihood for you and your live stock.” |
Let us ponder over the ever-expanding limit of the sky. The sky, which is lit by the sun light during the day, and the sky, which is decorated with twinkling stars at night. Since time immemorial, it has been guarding the earth from all directions. And let us think about our solar system, the cycle of day and night. A deep reflection on the creations of The God from all angles brings us to simple conclusion that every one of them is perfectly designed and complete in all respects. And that they all have been placed, directly or indirectly in the service of mankind. It is also obvious that it is all happening under the command of a Supreme Power. It is HE who had created them and assigned them different tasks to make this earth a habitable place for us. |
But what about us, the human being, the most wonderful creation of God? Have we been created without any purpose? The commitment and usefulness of every creature for the man makes us realize that we must have been created with some greater purposes. And to make us realize our duties on this earth, God must have sent down certain Commandments to us. |
The next verses throw light on this point. |
“So, when the great, overwhelming event of Dooms-Day will occur. On that Day man will clearly remember all that he has ever strived for. And the blazing fire of Hell will be visible to all who are destined to see it.” |
As our life is destined to end one day, so will the earth perish one day. And that would be the Dooms Day, the day of great upheavals. That would also be the Day of Judgment. Every human being will be facing the Lord with all his accounts open. Every action and every moment of his life recorded. |
While living in this world, every man utilizes other creations of God, even excessively and carelessly terming them as natural resources. This air, water, food and all other things that we consume all through our life have been created by The Lord. If we are using them, we shall be accounted for that whether we were fair to them or not. If found guilty, how could we manipulate our accounts? How could we escape the penalty imposed? |
The next verses of Chapter 79 tell us: |
“So he who shall have transgressed the bounds of what is right, and preferred the life of this world under its temptations, that blazing fire of hell will be his abode! But for him who feared to stand in front of his Lord for accounts, and held back his inner self from base desires, and wishes, paradise will truly be his final abode with its all unending luxuries!” |
God has placed humanity in divergent situations and various stages of life. Man has also been endowed with the ability to adopt or adjust himself to various circumstances. And here lies the test. Before taking any decision, before planning any operation, before any action or reaction, before striking any deal, even before writing down any statement or uttering any word, we must think today that tomorrow we will be accounted for it. On the Day of Reckoning, when the entire humanity will be facing their Lord with their accounts open. |
“The Day when all men shall stand before the Sustainer of all the worlds?” (verse 83/6) |
In this material world, the center point of all our actions is our inner-self the inner desire. If not controlled, it behaves like an unbridled horse; it instigates us to act according to our whims and fancies. Overpowered by evil impulses, we often tend to misuse our power, take undue advantage of our status and make an extravagant show of our wealth. We then forget that our Lord is much more powerful and authoritative, Who is taking note of all our misdemeanors and that one day these acts will reflect on ourselves. |
We are always anxious to secure our rights, and are ready to cross any limit in order to achieve them. O.K. Are we equally careful in discharging our obligations, in making our payments as we are duty bound? We often forget that we owe something to our parents, to our relatives, to our neighbors, and, of course to our fellow-beings in this country or abroad. More often than not we consider ours elf the center of everything, the object of adoration and thus we live a self-centered life, ignoring the rights of other creatures. We forget to pay back what we have taken. |
If we are alert in making all our payments in time, this cash-crop may yield good harvest in the hereafter. We may come out clean from the ordeal of the Last Day. The coming verse briefly summarizes the good news meant for those who are conscious of their Lord. |
“And for the one who fears the time when he will stand before The Judgment Seat of his LORD, there will be two gardens of paradise for him.” (verse 55/46) |
What a good news! And how important! And how simply our Lord says it all! In just a few words, but compact with meanings. |
In all our dealings if we remain conscious of our Lord, realizing that he is watching us day and night, God will certainly bless us, shower his mercy on us, grant us more than we hope to achieve otherwise, and lead us in the right direction. But if we act contrary to what God has commanded, there is also the warning. |
“Have you ever considered the one who has taken for his deity, for his God, his own desires, passions, impulses? Could you, then, O Prophet, be a disposer of affairs for him? (verse 25/43) |
In spite of our assertion to be a Muslim, sometimes we unconsciously follow our desires as against the Divine Commandments. Gradually he withdraws to his own self, and his whole world revolves around himself. His own ideas find an uppermost place in his scheme of things. |
Alas! A man is ever-willing to make an assessment of other’s performance. But he has little time to do an introspection of his own ideas, actions, style and tendencies. |
If this is the case with any one of us we need to pay heed to the warning of God Almighty, who has warned us to be aware of such inherent tendencies. |
Now it is our duty that time and again we should cross-check our life, our line of thinking, our character, our etiquette and our dealings, so that our life may not go off the track. If we sincerely live a life as directed by Our Lord, He will show us the right path through HIS Book with which we need to have a live connection and direct communication. A daily recitation and efforts to understand its teachings will certainly bring Hidaya, guidelines for the reader. In addition to that, there is the in-built system of guidance that is our inner self, our conscience that gives us signal to differentiate between right and wrong. |
Life has never been a bed of roses for any one, and for all times. It demands sacrifices, and endless efforts. A man makes many sacrifices for his parents, for his children, and makes untiring efforts to succeed in his business, to receive honor and to maintain his status until the life comes to an end. Driven by the desire to achieve success in this earthly life, he remains unaware, rather ignores the demands of the life to come after his death. The charm of this earthly life makes him forget the fact that all these worldly affairs are nothing but a test from his Lord. Sometimes he is under the false impression that he will be rewarded for living such a ‘committed’ life. Alas! Committed to what! He has been chasing a wild dream. |
Life has never been a bed of roses for any one, and for all times. It demands sacrifices, and endless efforts. A man makes many sacrifices for his parents, for his children, and makes untiring efforts to succeed in his business, to receive honor and to maintain his status until the life comes to an end. Driven by the desire to achieve success in this earthly life, he remains unaware, rather ignores the demands of the life to come after his death. The charm of this earthly life makes him forget the fact that all these worldly affairs are nothing but a test from his Lord. Sometimes he is under the false impression that he will be rewarded for living such a ‘committed’ life. Alas! Committed to what! He has been chasing a wild dream. God ALMIGHTY does not measure one’s deeds according to his own assumption and preferences. He has laid down His criteria in His Holy Book. He will judge our actions in the light of these directives.
We will have here only one reference from verses 53/36 to 41.
“Is man have not acquainted with what is said in the revelations came on Moses! And of Abraham, the man of commitment! It was said in all, that no body will bear the burden of sins of another. And every one receives only what he made efforts for. And his efforts will be cross examined. Then he shall be requited for it with the fullest requital.” |
It is our earnest prayer to our Lord to awaken and increase our consciousness that may save us in the Hereafter as well as in this worldly life. Let the fear of Our Lord overtake all our apprehensions. O our LORD, make us conscious of our moral responsibilities. O our Creator, put in us the sense of accountability of the Final Day. O our SUSTAINER, help us to pay all our dues in this world itself. We need Your help in all our assignments! |