Engineer Hamid Qureshi, as his name suggests, is a practicing Civil Engineer with specific experience in construction and maintenance of big water bodies such as dams and canals. He is a well-known figure not only in the city but all over the state of Maharashtra. He is very popular among the people who have an ardent desire to understand and act according to the spirit of the Last and Final Revelation of Almighty GOD, the Holy Qur’an. He usually deals with 3 specific subjects of The Revelation, i.e. Tawheed, Akhirat and Risalat.
In modern terminology, we can say, One-ness of Command, Accountability and Morality. His style is quite modern, choice of words is commonly understandable and style is most appealing. His approach always remains modern, scientific combined with logic and reason.
He is a leading social activist of the area he belongs, associated with a host of social and charitable organizations. His ardent desire to serve humanity around compels him to put his precious time in communicating the message of the Holy Qur’an to his dear fellow brethrens, particularly the 700 million strong Marathi speaking fraternities in the state of Maharashtra, India. His discourses on the Holy Qur’an are very popular among the Marathi speaking masses. Born in the city of Parbhani, India in 1963, he completed his basic education there. In pursuit of his academic career, he then shifted to Nagpur where he is now settled. He is father of 2 children and has a large number of admirers.