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Mercy Killing
Respected dignitaries on the dais and off the dais, first of all, I would like to thank my Creator, the Almighty, for providing me time to express my views in this august gathering. The same Almighty created me, put life in me, sustains me every now and then, and in whose hands my death is. And I welcome you all here by a supplication for peace, prosperity and tranquillity for all of you. Let me convey this in Arabic.

May peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.

This is a very commonly used dialogue, but used very casually without knowing the spirit behind, and without even knowing its meanings. But be sure, I used this dialogue from the depth of my heart.

The topic for this seminar is death. Respected audience, this is the ultimate and undeniable Truth of life of all those who habituate the universe. We all know that it is the harsh truth of life. Respected ladies and gentlemen, I am not a clergy, but I am a student of the Final Testament revealed down by HIM, who is the owner of the universe. It is The Holy Qur'an, in which I find in chapter 56 verse 60:

“WE have ordained death for all of you O mankind, and none of you shall escape it, and no one will get ahead to prevent Us.”

And in chapter 21 verse 35, the words are appearing

“Every soul is bound to pass the process of death; and O mankind! WE put you in test through the bad and the good things of this life, by way of trial: and unto US, you all must return.”

It is very much obvious that we came from somewhere, we die and despite our choice, we have to go somewhere. It proves that we have a small halt on this globe in our span of life. We have to go back, whether we wish it or not. Every one of us came here with a confirmed return ticket. Once again it is obvious that, someone has the power over us, and He created us, and He has the power over our death.

Highlighting the topic, another quotation from Holy Qur'an chapter 2 verse 28, I quote here:

“O mankind! how can you refuse to acknowledge God Almighty, while before this you were lifeless and HE gave you life, and that HE will cause you to die, and then will bring you again to life, whereupon unto HIM you will be brought back (for accounts)?”

So friends, the life does not end at death, but the death is a transitory period, and in all such periods of transit, one has to pass with less or more difficulty and pains. I will quote here an intellectual, Mr Sudheendra Kulkarni who writes: “Awareness of the nearness and immediacy of death can completely re-orient our outlook towards life. It could make us more humane, and less prone to anger and aggressiveness. Yet, humans generally do not like to live with the awareness of the death.”

He further writes about the reasons behind our disremembering of death: “We are deeply and too much attached to this world, to our own hopes, desires, relations and comforts, all rooted in this beautiful world of ours, to entertain the idea that we would one day be separated from all these.”

“It is amazing that, whereas human beings take birth only in one way, which is both predictable and anticipated, we die in countless different ways, which are often unpredictable and unanticipated. Birth is a probability, while death is a certainty. Birth has parentage, death has none. Only one of the million sperms has a chance to find an egg. For the fertilized egg, there is again the inescapable residence in the mother’s womb for nine long months. Death follows no such journey and, often, knows no such waiting."

Friends, we all know that the process of our birth is also painful. The conceiving and carrying of a baby in the womb is not easy for a lady. We also know that embryo also has to suffer the pains. Mother has to suffer while delivering the child and all the children come crying due to pains. We can be helpful only to reduce the pains, but we cannot change the natural course.

So is the case of death. We can only be helpful to the dying one, by helping him whatever is possible for us, and within our limits, and within the framework of human ethics. And for our own death, we can ask our Creator just it was asked by Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.s) which I found in one of his supplications in these words:


Friends, now the question comes in my mind that, what for I am here and what I have to face after my death. Here I am not getting any further data from the existing knowledge of science. For this topic, I have to refer the One and only One, who created me, and who has the power upon my death. I found it in the Final Testament chapter 29 verse 64 in these wordings:

“O human beings, beware! The life of this world is nothing but joys and delight, which will pass away sooner or later! But behold, the life in the hereafter is indeed the only true and everlasting life: if the humanity could realise it!”

Moreover, friends, a Natural law of degeneration is playing its role. The sorrow and joy, the happiness and sadness, the cheer and gloom, nothing is permanent in nature. My intellect suggests me to be more careful for my coming life which is everlasting and permanent in nature.

The test and trial we are enduring here in this world, and our actions and reactions over them will reflect in our coming everlasting life. I would like to refer here a known dialogue which is also commonly used. It is from Hindu scriptures that Shareer Ko Mrutyu Hai, Atmaa Amar Hai. I am alive with two factors, one is my body and other is soul. One can use any word for Soul like life, Aaatma, or Rooh. My body is from this earth, while the soul came from somewhere. At the time of my death, the body will remain here for the disposal, while the soul will go back to the Originator, the Almighty. And in the coming life, I have to face the consequences of my moral failings, and fruits of my moral and human achievements in this worldly life.

Now in the conclusion, I am coming to the point of bereavement. When we are neither the owners of our body nor the soul, we have to follow the moral and human ethics. We can be helpful to the sufferer, but we cannot change the destiny. My body and my soul are like the things given by my Creator in my trust, and I should prove myself loyal and trustworthy to my Creator. I have no ethical permission to destroy, finish or put end to it, while knowing that every phase will just pass away in its due time. Nothing is permanent here. This phase of pain will also pass away. Yes, but the life to come after the death is permanent, and I should keep up high moral and human ethics to get the ease, joys and pleasure of that ultimate future.

In the last, I am praying the LORD of the Universe

"O my Sustainer! YOU are the Originator of the heavens and the earth! YOU are my protector in this world and in the life to come: let me die in the state of submission unto YOU, and make me amidst the righteous!"

I further make a dua here:

“O my LORD, I ask you to grant me sincere repentance, contrition before my death, grant me ease in the process of death, salvation and mercy after death, and forgiveness at the time of accountability in front of You, and keep me away from the hell-fire and grant me the paradise.”


Thank you very much for patiently listening. May GOD Bless us all.

