“Usama Bin Zayed narrated that Messenger of ALLAH sent a troop against “Haraqaat”, an opponent was defeated and lowered down, I rode on him. He uttered laa ilaaha illallahto get himself free, but we killed him. I reported this to Prophet (s.a.w.s), he said ‘Who will save you against laa ilaaha illallah on the Day of Resurrection?’
I said ‘O Messenger of ALLAH, he recited the pious statement due to the fear of weapon.’He (s.a.w.s) said, ‘Why did you not open his heart to find out the reason behind it?
Who will protect you on the Day of Judgment against laa ilaaha illallah?’
He (s.a.w.s) kept on repeating it ……..”
Another quotation from the Prophet of Peace (s.a.w.s.) is....

“One who performs Salah like us, faces the direction of Qiblah and consumes our slaughtered animal is Muslim, and he is under the protection of ALLAH and HIS Messenger.
So do not try to transgress in the protected things of ALLAH.”
If anyone offers salaam to me, even if he is a stranger, by salaam he has sent peace on me, I have no choice left. I have to treat him as a Muslim regardless of his school of thoughts or attire or even his Eimaan as the Eimaan rests in the heart of the person and only ALLAH knows what intention he had behind that Salaam. Still shamefully I hate him; I hurt him and torch his belongings and even his Masjids. How a deceitful Muslim I am! I must know that in chapter 4 verse 92 ALMIGHTY ALLAH has says that:

“And it is not allowed at all for a Mo’min to kill another Mo’min except it happened by error......”
And in the next verse Almighty ALLAH says...

“And whoever kills a Mo’min intentionally; his punishment is Hell-fire forever.
ALLAH will condemn him, will reject him and HE has prepared an awesome chastisement for him.” |