Abdul Karim Parekh expired in the wee-hours of 11th
September, 2007. |
unto The God Supreme do we belong, and verily, unto
HIM we shall return.”
December 2006, he dictated a will for his heirs
and family members containing gems of useful advices,
recommendations and instructions. Maulana had a
large family and number of admirers, not only in
the country, but around the globe. Strong suggestions
poured in that gist of his Will be made public for
the benefit of people in general and for his admirers
in particular after excluding family, personal and
business matters. We hope that the following gist
of his will would prove beneficial for his admirers,
so also for the society we live in, who will appreciate
it. The Gist of the Will reads as under.
begin with the Glorious Name of Allah Who is The
Creator, The Owner, The Designer of the heavens
and earth and the whole universe. Who is One and
Only One, The Most Eternal, The Most Gracious, The
Most Merciful. I was born in the year 1928 in a
village of Kanseoni District Akola in Maharashtra
State. My father named me Abdul Karim. Originally
we belonged to Memon family of Vertiya village of
Jamnagar District of Kathiawad, Gujarat. My father
came to Nagpur from Gujarat for livelihood in or
about the year 1920. I passed 78 years of my life
provided by my Sustainer on this earth under HIS
Mercy and Bounty and now wish to dictate this WILL.
these years, my Lord bestowed on me innumerable
bounties. Its counting is impossible, and to put
them in writing on paper, even ink of seven oceans
will prove insufficient. HIS bounties also include
years back, my wife Amina expired. May The Lord
provide her salvation, and to me also, and make
us once again life-partners in the everlasting life
in heaven. Our Lord bestowed on us four sons and
five daughters. My parents also passed away during
my life time, so these nine persons are my only
heirs alive till this date.
my children are matured, married and well settled
in their lives. My Sustainer provided me out of
His Bounties financial status also. Actually the
wealth belongs to the Original Owner Who is The
GOD Almighty and all Alone. The Lord is the Owner
of all the wealth of the Universe. Out of it He
makes His slaves a kind of trustee of that material
and wealth according to His wish. And when the slave
passes away from this world, the wealth actually
goes back to the Original Owner. Now The Lord wants
to make new trustees from amongst the family of
the deceased. HE wants the material and the wealth
to be distributed among them according to HIS Instructions
which He has already revealed, in His Last and Final
Testament, The Qur'an, very explicitly.
duty of the distribution of heritage is laid down
by The Lord on the heirs, such as the duty of performing
the last rites of the deceased executor of Will.
If any discrepancy is created in the distribution,
the heirs will be held guilty for that, and not
the deceased. GOD also authorized the deceased to
make will, if he feels fit for those who do not
fall in the line of his heirs. Simply, heirs mean
the parents, the spouse and the children. In the
cases where there is no direct line of heirs, there
are instructions in The Qur'an to distribute it
in other close relatives. But in my case, I am having
is the duty of the heirs to first of all, comply
with the diction of the Will of the deceased. Another
important duty of heirs is to repay all the debts
and dues of the deceased, if any. Then only, the
remaining properties, wealth and valuables should
be distributed among the heirs properly as per the
instructions in The Qur'an.
I very firmly make Will to my heirs in strong words
as under:
not associate anyone in the Sovereignty of God Almighty.
To associate anyone, or to treat anyone or anything
parallel to Him is a great and unpardonable sin.
You all know well the Holy Scripture, hence do not
invoke, worship, call for help and make duas to
any one on the earth or in heaven. Allah is Almighty
and All Powerful to provide you all your needs.
So do not fear anyone except Him. HE remains well
aware of all the needs of all His creatures of heavens
and earth and in between the two. HE is very near
to all His creatures. There is no need to take the
recourse to any source in invoking Him. There is
no need for anyone to make any recommendation before
Him. HE never needs recommendations. No one of the
heaven, nor from earth can harm you. No one can
provide you shelter except The Lord, The Eternal
and The Most Powerful. HE is The Omnipresent, The
Omnipotent, The Omniscient.
your duties towards your Creator, perform five times
prayers, charities, fast of Ramazan and Hajj. Remain
ever careful and perform them all on their time.
have the duties towards your spouse, children, relatives,
neighbors, orphans, widows and have-nots of the
society you live in. Unfortunately India has multitude
of it. Be careful ever and help them monetarily
as well as morally, only to seek pleasure of your
Lord and His reward in hereafter.
best efforts to live an honest life. Try to be away
from dishonesty, immorality, obscenity, arrogancy,
treachery, disloyalty, pride and all type of such
contrary to reason acts. Give priority to the high
values laid down by The Holy Book regarding humanity
and its high values.
forget to recite The Holy Qur'an daily. You have
to induct this Divine Book into minds, heart and
soul of your coming generation. Whenever you will
ignore this Book, you will not get any value in
the world, and you will have to face problems before
your Lord when you will stand before HIM on the
fateful Day.
not try to search the guidance any where else then
The Qur'an. This is the Book revealed for the guidance
of the entire humanity. If you ever ignore it and
try to search the guidance elsewhere, then according
to one of the sayings of the Prophet (s.a.w.s),
GOD will let you go astray.
my readings, the very first book of Hadis is Mautta
Imam Malik. Try to keep it in your studies always.
among yourselves my left-overs, my heritage according
to the directions in the Holy Book which you all
know well. No need to ask anyone as this has been
stated by The Almighty in His Book. Matters directly
related to our eternal life are mentioned explicitly
in The Holy Book itself.
not make unnecessary delay in distribution. Do not
forget poor relatives of near and far, orphans,
widows and needies. It is also the injunction of
The Qur'an.
personal belongings like clothes, watches, shoes
etc should be distributed among poor people.
of heirs are destined by The Lord Himself in the
Qur'an, so follow it.
(From here matters related to family members only
hence not mentioned.)
your mother expired five years back, and may God
provide you good and long life, you four brothers
and five sisters are my only heirs. According to
the Holy Book, there will be 13 shares. Every sister
will get one each and every brother two each. By
the Grace of my Creator, I am not indebted to anyone.
don’t have craving for costly items like jewelry,
gold and silver, which I never ever used any time.
I have my collection of books as well as my publications.
I have already gifted it to my elder son A. Ghafoor
as he has more interest in it than other children.
I made him responsible to take care of my books.
I made him responsible to take care of my compilations
whether in the form of books, cassettes, CDs etc.
He is entitled for its distribution and reprint
as he may find necessary.
have never accepted any royalty on any of my writings,
books, publications and public discourses. I request
you also not to earn any monetary gain on its republications
your hearts open for charities and never discriminate
the humanity on the ground of gender, cast, color
or religion in helping them.
(Personal and private things mentioned here is not
strongly instruct you not to construct any monument
on my grave. It is your duty to prevent any kind
of Shirk on it.
is one of the bounties of my RABB that He provided
me the place to worship Him. I call it Musallah,
the prayer mat. At this place ladies of my family
use to come for joint prayers of Friday, both the
Eids and also for Traweeh. You have to take care
of the prayers to One and Eternal GOD. It is not
necessary to keep that place only. You may change
the place according to your convenience but the
intention behind it must be taken care of. Ladies
of our family may take part in joint prayers, of
course, in their separate place respectfully. We
have to take care of our ladies, and respectfully
arrange for their joint prayers. They do not have
such facilities elsewhere.
have a dream of running an academy on modern lines
dedicated for the Simple Heavenly Message of the
Holy Book. The continuance of the easy way of learning
its language, scientific research on its heavenly
verses, is my dream. I don’t know whether
it will be realized in my life time. After the loss
of eye-sight, it seems a distant dream. I hope you
and my friends will do something on the line of
such an academy.
is a burning problem of girl’s education.
Now they are talking about sex education in school.
I am frightened with such news. It is my wish to
move in the direction of girl’s school from
KG level to all kind of college education under
the administration of ladies only from the beginning
till last. I wish there would be a Women’s
University in the country. It will be a historic
work if it could be achieved. You and my friends
may think on this line. In present circumstances
this would be a great work, one can hope for reward
from Allah.
in the conclusion, I don’t know where my last
moment will come.
Qur'an says in 31/34:

No one knows on what land he will die …”
it is far from Nagpur, try to burry me there only.
If it is in my city, try to do it sooner. Unnecessary
delay is unhealthy custom. There is no use to wait
for the relatives. Be ever polite with relatives,
needies, widows and have-nots. Be courteous to my
friends, whom I always respected. Pay them the due
respect ever. Many a things are there to say but
I conclude it here, in December 2006, and wish to
state that my earlier will, if any, will become
void and replaced by this.
days before his heavenly abode, the Maulana talked
at length with his nephew and son in law A. Wahab
Parekh about his services towards the Book of Allah.
Mr A. Wahab enjoyed his love and trust. He told
him to take care of the mission of conveying the
Holy Qur'an to the masses and to remain in touch
with all his colleagues in this work. Mr A. Wahab
also delivers Darse Qur'an. His style was very much
liked by Maulana.
Mr A. Wahab delivered a Dars of Chapter 80 in the
same Jama Masjid in which Maulana was delivering
the Darses since last fifty years. Maulana told
him to recite the same chapter and make his own
translation. On verse number 23, Maulana became
very sentimental and told that he also could not
do much in spreading the Message of the Qur'an to
the masses. He expressed his dissatisfaction on
cold response of the masses to the Holy Qur'an.
To Mr A. Wahab also, he told to take care of his
friends and colleagues with due respect, and motivate
them to spread the message of the Holy Book among
the masses.