consider homosexuality and all its variants unnatural
and totally violation of the spirit of Nature and therefore
condemn all such acts and practices. Some people might
like these unnatural acts. I have no authority to restrain
them from these. But I do have the freedom to express
my opinion to declare it unnatural and condemn it.
the back bone of humanity is the family. Any family
comes out of a mother and a father. All the human relations
like father, mother, grannies, uncles, aunts, in-laws
come out of marriage between a male and a female. One
who wants to destroy it, I feel him or her foe of the
humanity itself.
gays and lesbians in the West have been talking about
right to marriage for all such couples. I wonder why
they need such laws when such communions do not result
in any biological product such as children. And why
unnecessarily risk division of properties in case of
‘dissolution’ of these marriages or inheritance
in the event of death of one partner!
countries in Europe and America have destigmatised such
relationships and few countries of the West have accorded
them legal status. Europe has been in the vanguard of
civilization for the last three centuries. No doubt,
Europe’s contribution to free the world from shibboleths
and slavery has been remarkable. But it is one thing
to fight for freedom of speech and thought and quite
another to allow people to practice unnatural acts and
obscenities. Let us admit the fact that Europe has exceeded
the limit of decency in bestowing liberties on its people
in this regard. Perhaps Europe needs to learn a lot
from India which has treaded a path of modesty in public
behavior while giving people the reasonable freedom
to operate with their beliefs and practices.
conclude this discussion with the prayer that our Creator
may guide us towards the path of righteousness and restrain
us from the unnatural acts.
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