Every honest person in India will have to admit that
today; a vast majority of the Muslims feel that they
are not part of the mainstream. This feeling is based
partly on fact and partly on imagination. But whether
justified or not, the sense of being left out is genuine
and the consequent bitterness real.
further compounds the situation. In pursuance of its
primary aim of destabilizing India, they do not miss
a single opportunity to exploit this feeling; (should
Indian Muslims suffer in any way because of it, of
course, it suits their game plan even more.)
matter needs attention; this much is obvious. But
the malaise is deep rooted and has many facets. It
would be a naive oversimplification to suggest that
there is magic or a quick solution. However, as in
all those cases where social rifts widen with the
time instead of healing, it is a communication gap
which is responsible and that needs to be closed first
before thinking of solutions.
It is not as if there is no interaction between non-Muslims
and Muslims in India. There is plenty of those; at
all social levels and in a variety of ways. After
all, one out of every six Indians is a Muslim and
they are closely interwoven in the social fabric!
But there is no meeting of minds. There is a particular
period of History, which is very precious to every
Muslim and unfortunately it is precisely in this area
that non-Muslims are most poorly informed. This in
my opinion is where the communication gap arises.