Now according to the instructions of above mentioned verse, in such hurting situations, the reaction of a believer should be: Firstly I should keep patience. Secondly I should express my grief in a civilized manner and avoid senseless acts which result in the problems of law and order in the land I reside. Also I will quote one Hadis here:
“Abuhuraira narrates that the Prophet (s.a.w.s) said: The Quriash slandered me by twisting my name as “Muzzammum” (means the rejected one). You people can see how GOD ALMIGHTY treated them for their blasphemy! My name is Mohammed, (means the praised one).”
So in reaction of the recent blasphemous cartoons, I need to follow the Heavenly directives of The Holy Qur'an and tradition of the Prophet and his companions. If our reaction crosses the limits set by our LORD, how we could save ourselves from the wrath of the Creator!!!
On the same topics, there are other verses which may please be studied. I am mentioning here the list for cross verification. They are in 2/104, 2/109, 3/186, 9/58. I seek help of my Creator in controlling my anger and ask HIM to provide me the courage to see the matters in their right prospective.
Thanking you very much.