workbook as the first step, is an attempt to facilitate
learning Arabic the language of Qur’an. The ultimate
aim in its compilation is to popularize study of the Qur’an
sans the barriers of translations. A working knowledge
of Urdu / English is the only prerequisite to benefit
from it. The Muslim with whom recitation of the Holy Qur’an
is a daily routine would derive maximum benefit by using
this book. Every lesson opens with a set of new words
(not so new for Urdu speaking persons) that are utilized
in it. It methodically concludes on exercise, most of
which come from the Holy Qur’an. Learning the glossary
of the Arabic text and frequent use of words given at
the end of book enrich the learner’s vocabulary.
As the workbook is meant for the beginners, grammatical
details have been meticulously avoided; just to facilitate
their understanding and digestion at a later stage.
is worth mentioning here that when a child learns any
language, including his mother tongue, first he start
delivering the words (i.e. calling object names) or building
a vocabulary, the grammatical perfection comes later as
a natural graduation process in the learning cycle! We
also can benefit from this natural way of learning.
and perfection are our ideals. We strive to achieve them
and towards that end we invite suggestions from the learned
persons, in all humbleness.