Explore Qur'an
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In the recent past in some parts of our country, leaflets raising objections on some verses of the Holy Qur'an are distributed time and again. Before we make a serious study of those verses, let us make it clear that we are not advocates of Muslims, their society, their politics, their past, their present and their history. But when there come objections on the verses of The Book of The Creator of the Universe, as a humble servants it must be our duty to scrutinize the whole matter in isolation from the myths, prejudices, politics and history of Muslims. It should be very clear to all that the non-Muslims are not only the creation of the same GOD, but also are the off-springs of Adam and Eve (The first human pair). Now let us consider the verses under objection one by one.

Before we proceed further, let us bear in mind that the Book of our LORD does not require any explanation by the Muslims. On the contrary their dark, melodramatic history and degraded national character stand as obstacles to understand the spirit of the Book of our LORD. Wishful interpretations of the Qur’anic idioms and phrases and twisting of things in favor has been a common characteristics of the Muslims through the ages. The term ‘Caliph’ (Successor) was freely used for justification of tyrannical rules in later days of grand Caliphate. Teams of sycophants, corrupt courtiers, formulating justification for all immoral and un-Islamic acts of the rulers were found in many dynasties. They often used the terms like Muslim, Kafir, Jihad, Allah, Rasool etc. in limited sense to put forward their ideas. But we should thank GOD that the language of HIS Book is not a dead one. Millions of people in the world, Muslims as well as non-Muslims speak this language. Similarly we have the dictionaries of Arabic language compiled by the Muslim and non-Muslim lexicographers. By clearing the confusion arising from the indiscreet use of these words for the opponents, we are very much in a position to discover the frauds.

In the history of so-called Muslim rule, we find amazing advancement in the field of science and allied subjects. Such were many times individual achievements rather than organized ones. In early days, on governance and political fronts, we find examples of highly civilized administration. But in later periods much conflicts and bloodsheds is seen. Some autocratic rulers appear to be devoid of even the universal human values. They have their own set of arguments to validate their inhuman actions. They have not even spared the teaching of the Holy Prophet and his Companions and tarnished their fair image only to garnish their own reprehensible acts. Now we need renewed efforts to make a scientific and objective study of the Qur’an and the character of Prophet Muhammad, the embodiment of the Qur’an. Here a brief description of the life of the Prophet will help us to sift the grain from the husk.

In a peninsula, with a vast body of desert, which never experienced established empires and governance, in the city of Makkah, in a noble family, a man is born in the seventh Century B.C. He grows up as an orphan and spends his youth with very limited resources; still his fidelity, honesty and integrity are testified by even his sworn enemies. The society is corrupt and perverted teeming with superstitious beliefs. Violence is the order of the day. The mighty is suppressing the poor. A period of forty years passes by in anxiety and concern. And lo and behold, now he is delivering a message to the society, thoughtful, sublime and revolutionary message. It is obvious the message is not from him, nor from any human being. It is Divine and from the LORD of humanity. Strangely enough, the society reacts negatively. In course of time, the negation turns into aggression. Violence is unleashed to suppress the peaceful call. All the social and tribal norms of the days are thrown to the wind.

Honestly speaking, violence has no role to play if a person is conveying the message of someone. But the opposition has resorted to worst kind of violence, horrendous crime against helpless individuals. One-sided patience and tolerance is the reply. Violence is ever increasing through the long period of 13 years. Ruthless suppression becomes unbearable. Life is agonizingly painful for the faithfuls. Still there is no conflict, no tit for tat. The faithfuls prefer migration to Madinah, a city four hundred kilometers away. A silent immigration starts. The opponents are not willing to let them go. Their inflated ego is still provoking them. The new settlement and city of the Prophet is also attacked. Difference in ideology is further supplemented by personal enmity, economical rivalry and unprincipled politics. When the enemy attacks Madinah, the Messenger of Allah has no other option but to defend.



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